Month: November 2014

SportingSpeak Review of the Week


Top four

In the relegation zone

SportingSpeak Review of the Week


Top Four: 

In the relegation zone:

Inactivity in London’s Olympic borough shows us that the problem runs far deeper than facilities

Two years on from London’s £8.77bn Olympic Games, the borough which hosted it, Newham, is the least active borough in the UK, according to a new report from UK Active. Almost 40% of Newham’s population is inactive: that is to say, they do not reach 30 minutes of moderate exercise each week. To win an Olympic bid, the host nation must demonstrate that their games will have a ‘legacy’: some longevity, some lasting benefits for the taxpayers who will fund it, some tangible positive effects once the games have been and gone. A key element of London’s Olympic legacy, we were told, was the provision of affordable facilities in one of London’s most deprived areas, facilities which would get more Londoners more active more often. That Newham is the least active borough in the UK will, for some, call into question the very existence of a legacy at all. To dismiss the Olympic legacy (that vaguest of terms) on the basis of this statistic alone would be rash, but what it does show us is this: the issue of inactivity and its causes runs far, far deeper than perhaps we first thought.


SportingSpeak Review of the Week


Top four

In the relegation zone